Matthew Micene wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> > Since the foreign address is, does that mean that these
> > ports are accessable by the world?  Port 515 is the print
> > spooler, so it sounds bad that that should be world accessable.
> You'd better believe it.  And if you want it to get worse, open an X
> Window session and watch X pop up on port 6000 and xfs on port 2046 I
> think.  This is why EVERYONE running a linux box (at home or otherwise)
> needs to have a firewall installed of some sort.  One solution is
> tcpserver as a replacement for inet super server because it supports
> binding to a specific interface or address.  It is limited in the fact
> that it only handles TCP protocols.
> As far as X and xfs go ... pass the -nolisten tcp to your startx script as
> a server arg and X will no longer listen on the network for connections.
> xfs will take -udpPort 0 to to turn off network requests, but I still
> haven't found a good place in prefdm or the like to pass that arg
> automatically.  If anyone has any tips please post them.

"netstat -an --inet | grep LISTEN" says that port 139 (NETBIOS 
session service) is listening to the world, but "ipchains -L"
says this:
[root 13:06:16 /home/me (4000.87KB)]# ipchains -L
Chain input (policy ACCEPT):
target     prot opt     source    destination    ports
REJECT     udp  ------  anywhere  any ->  
DENY       tcp  ------  anywhere  anywhere       any ->  
DENY       udp  ------  anywhere  anywhere       any ->  

Does this mean that even though netbios-ssn is listening on 113
that ipchains will block any outside requests?

(BTW, I guess samba needs netbios-ssn for my internal LAN, which
has Windows boxen sharing disks & printer.)

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