Dear Support,

I cannot telnet to my system. I have a rtl100a Compex card which seems to work fine
(because I can telnet to another system on the network). If I try to telnet to this
system from anywhere on the lan (including this system itself) I get:

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'
Connection closed by foreign host

The suggestions received earlier were

1.scrapmetaldevil wrote:

> you have the telnet daemon enabled? and if it is, are you telnet-ing
> to the port that is enable? Could also be a firewall problem. Go through linux
> conf...the message below generally means the server is not running or you've
> telnet-ed to the wrong port. Your info isn't very descriptive what you know is
> enabled. After installation I had to go through my linuxconf and enable it. If
> you are using a fire wall, make sure its not set on the port the server is set
> to. I'm not much of a console I can't really help in that arena.

2. Dan Wrote:
Quick and dirty Fix: Should only be used until you figure out  how to
properly set hosts allow and hosts deny Etc. Etc.  (I mention this only
because I haven't yet myself)

pico /etc/pam.d/login

Then find the line that says "" (Usually the second line from
the top.)

Comment out this line from the beginning of:


Save and telnet.

Please note if this machine is conencted to the 'net via dialup or on a lan
without a firewall you are REALLY leaving your butt hanging out the car
window, during rush hour in Los Angeles.. :)

3.Sarang Wrote
Are you tring to telnet and login as root? Linux dosn't let you do that for
security reasons.. login as another user and then su to root.

Else, check the file /etc/services It has all the services that your
machine  has open.. If you have set the security level to highest in
mandrake, then it'll disable telnet.. you can only get in by using SSH.
Lemme know if you need help in setting up ssh.. its pretty straighforward!

Else, if you have telnet uncommented in /etc/services, then do "
/etc/rc.d/inid.d/inet status" and see if its running.. inet basically
starts services mentioned in /etc/services.. if its not running then simply
say "/etc/rc.d/init.d/inet start" and you should be ok !

None of these work. I have hunted the internet, mandrake archives, redhat support and
several books. I have not even come across a similar problem listed. Please help. I am
finding my development time being wasted.


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