Any help with this will be appreciated.




I too am wanting to update my kernel, and have downloaded most of the
kernel packages from the ml update ftp mirror, but am not certain which
ones I need?

Do I need the source & headers packages? And all of the others?

I was going to use kpm to install the updated kernel packages, is it a
preferred method to use mu instead?

I am updating from 2.2.15 to 2.2.16 and actually want to install all of
the available updates with the exception of, all of the versions of NS.
was wondering if anyone knows whether there is a particular order in
which to install all of the updated packages to bring my ml system up to
a current state, one that will ensure a smooth transition?

I don't seem to have mu=MandrakeUpdate installed, I must have somehow
over looked it during installation? 

All I find on my system is/are the 'bdflush/update' forking daemon/s,
which if I correctly follow the man page, I am pretty sure bdflush is
not what I am looking for at this time, or am I?


All helpful advice, information, ideas, and thoughts are hereby sought
after, and I am very much thankful for them as well. 


+<***FLASH***>MS invests in Corel</***FLASH***> +
+                                               +
+I wish them both the very best of success! :)  +
+Corel was in need of some serious pumping up   +
+MS will surely benefit in more ways than one   +
+To bad for me, :( I recently sold all of my    +
+remaining shares in Corel ... if only I'd of   +
+held out a little bit longer, huh? :)          + 

PS: Please consider casting your vote in election
2000 for Ralph Nader for the President of the US!
That is, if you are a US citizen of voting age.

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