Praedor or any one else who has knowledge and conversation with the holy kernel:

        Maybe you can help me understand this a little better. I got past all
the hurdles and got to the make xconfig step in buildkernel. Now here's my
dilemma...I have a C-Media chipset (8738am) which is supported in Mandrake 7.1
iso image. The support is marked EXPERIMENTAL which is not a problem for the CD
install. I have no trouble with it as long as I use the eSound daemon instead
of OSS to play back mp3 files. However, when checking off my xconfig I come to
the sound card menu and C-Media is locked out of selection. Does this mean that
I need to add the proper include, .o files, etc from my previous source set
(2.2.15) for make xconfig to allow the C-Media support to be selected? 2.2.16
installs by RPM with little difficulty and no impact on my system, but I'd like
to try 2.2.17 in any case.  Do I need the headers for 2.2.17 for this to work
correctly? R'ingTFM is not doing me any good since I'm doing that now for this
C-Media support. The difference between the source RPM's, the tarballs, and the
bz2 files has me in a little mental knot. If there is a headers file for 2.2.17,
where can I find that? If you consider these newbie questions, sorry, but I
don't think they are questions that a newbie can possibly answer...

On Sat, 07 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> I would like to strongly advocate dispensing with doing
> an rpm install of kernels and, instead, download the
> buildkernel rpm and use that.  It is a wonderful app that
> makes building your own kernel painless and simple.
> You run "buildkernel --help" to get a list of all the options
> (I usually use "buildkernel --BKBUILDTYPE=bzImage --HOSTTYPE=i386"
> and sometimes, I even indicate the kernel with
> It takes it from there.  First, it looks at your system, checks
> to make sure you have enough harddrive space available, removes
> any pre-existing kernel source (not the tarball), automatically
> connects and downloads the latest kernel or the specific version
> you specify (see above with --BKKERNELTOBUILD).  It downloads the
> kernel, with hashmarks to indicate progress.  It then decompresses
> it and starts xconfig (or you can specify another config type).
> You then just go down the nice list of options and modules you
> want in your kernel. When done, select "save and exit" and that
> is that.  The kernel and all the proper modules are compiled 
> and installed.  A proper entry is made to your lilo.conf, and
> all the appropriate files and symlinks are produced in your
> boot directory.  Once done, run lilo to install the new conf,
> reboot to try your new kernel.  Simple, and the kernel is
> customized to YOUR specifications for YOUR system.  Real nice.
> I have been doing it this way since RedHat 5.0.  It is the 
> only way to go.  
> praedor

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