"to say that Mandrake doesn't make a fantastic server is nonsense."

I don't believe that's what I said...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Vincent Danen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Fri Oct 13, 2000 at 06:35:45PM -0400, Greg Stewart wrote:
> > Actually, I agree: Don't fix what ain't broke--Red Hat is (still)
> > as a server OS, where Mandrake makes a better Workstation OS--although
> > are security features to help "lock down" a Mandrake server that are
> > installed in MDK7.1 by default, I have found them to get in the way of
> > customisation/configuration.
> I don't quite agree with this.  I've been using Mandrake since 6.0 for
> both server and desktop and have yet to find anything to do the job
> better.  Mandrake gives me all the tools I need and want for a
> full-fledged domain hosting server (email, ftp, http, dns, dhcp, etc.)
> and I haven't looked back since 6.0.  While I can't say if RedHat is
> better or worse with 6.x or 7.0 (I went from RH 5.1 to Mdk 6.0), I can
> definately attest to three servers running flawlessly with Mandrake
> and less hassle than a Red Hat server.  I've done some work for a
> client on a RH 6.1 machine that cause more problems than any of my
> Mandrake servers ever did.
> While I agree it may be unnecessary to switch distros if your previous
> distro does the server jobs you need done, to say that Mandrake
> doesn't make a fantastic server is nonsense.
> --
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], OpenPGP key available on www.keyserver.net
> // Danen Consulting Services    www.danen.net, www.freezer-burn.org
> // MandrakeSoft, Inc.           www.linux-mandrake.com
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