On Mon Oct 16, 2000 at 04:58:37PM +0200, Buchan Milne wrote:

> > While I agree it may be unnecessary to switch distros if your previous
> > distro does the server jobs you need done, to say that Mandrake
> > doesn't make a fantastic server is nonsense.
> The other advantage is that running the same OS on your workstations as
> your servers means you only have to learn the quirks of one distro, not
> two. Plus, I wouldn't want to be without MandrakeUpdate, which I can
> even run with ssh and the weirdx Xserver from my Desktop machine when I
> am running windblows!

Yes, there is the benefit of only having to learn/deal with one
distro.  At one time I was running Mandrake on a few machines and SuSE
on another... I began to dread whenever I worked on the SuSE machine
because of how different it was.  Happily, it's a Mandrake machine
once again so working on all of them is a cinch.

> In the end you need to weigh up the effort you will save against the
> effort you will spend. I haven't the time to migrate my last redhat box
> (our printserver/intranetserver/cd-writing server), so when I needed
> php/MySQL/frontpage extensions, I just installed Mandrakes packages !

I've done this before too... =)  I have a client who uses RH6.2 for
his web/everything server and I'm often putting mandrake packages on
there for him...  The next time it dies (hopefully not for a long
time!) I'm going to convince him to use Corporate Server or something
similar on there because I hate working on his machine... =)

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