Most of the services are controlled by:

-drakxservices (sets what runs at boot, basically puts symlinks into the
/etc/rc.d/rc.x directories from /etc/rc.d/init.d)
The last 3 are identical to the way it is on redhat (except secure by
default, whereas before 7.0, redhat was vulnerable by default!)


Greg Stewart wrote:
> My problems began, I think, when I installed MDK7.1 with a security level of
> "High". I avoided paranoid, because I felt it would be too limiting.
> No matter what I tried I couldn't get any services to connect from client
> machines.
> I tried msec 0 in desperation, and got a little closer: ftp would ask for a
> user, but *everything* was refused; ssh, http, etc. were the same way.
> I tore apart the msec scripts as best I could before a massive headache set
> in, but I realised that a whole pile of services, files, directories and
> other objects were being controlled that I didn't want messed with until I
> actually dealt with them.
> Overall, I prefer not having to reverse-engineer a system before I implement
> it. Mandrake's msec utility may be a thorough utility, and a rather
> effective one at locking the system to prevent intrusion, but I simply found
> it to be more of a hassle--to build the server that I needed--than was
> useful to me.
> In case you are interested, the gripe I have with MDK7.1 as a desktop OS is
> in it's implementation gnome/KDE organisation. I think the best move would
> be to get rid of the auto-menu, and use the developer's defaults for the
> desktop managers. Locating anything I was used to in other distros was
> rather frustrating. Also, helix-gnome (and this may be changing in 7.2)
> probably would have been a better choice.
> Please don't take my criticism to mean that I don't like MDK. Or that I'm
> attempting to demean the distro in any way. There are flaws with every
> distribution of linux these days, and there will be for some time. It is, as
> you know, a developing OS. And, not all distributions will be the right
> distro for everybody. I know admins that wouldn't dream of using a server
> with anything but Debian installed... and personally, I find Debian a little
> too confusing for me.
> -Greg
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Vincent Danen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > On Fri Oct 13, 2000 at 11:48:10PM -0400, Greg Stewart wrote:
> >
> > > "to say that Mandrake doesn't make a fantastic server is nonsense."
> > >
> > > I don't believe that's what I said...
> >
> > No, you're right...  I may have said that the wrong way...  to me,
> > Mandrake makes a fantastic server.  Perhaps I should have said "to
> > imply" instead of "to say".
> >
> > I would really like to know why tou think that the security features
> > get in the way of your customization/configuration, however.  If there
> > is something we can fix or enhance, we would like to know about it.  I
> > have yet to find anything getting in the way of me doing anything I
> > want to with the server (unless I set it to paranoid security).  I'd
> > like to know what your problems (frustration maybe?) with it is, if
> > you don't mind.
> >
> > > > On Fri Oct 13, 2000 at 06:35:45PM -0400, Greg Stewart wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Actually, I agree: Don't fix what ain't broke--Red Hat is (still)
> > > developed
> > > > > as a server OS, where Mandrake makes a better Workstation
> OS--although
> > > there
> > > > > are security features to help "lock down" a Mandrake server that are
> > > > > installed in MDK7.1 by default, I have found them to get in the way
> of
> > > > > customisation/configuration.
> >
> > --
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED], OpenPGP key available on
> > // Danen Consulting Services,
> > // MandrakeSoft, Inc. 
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> > Current Linux uptime: 1 day 1 hour 34 minutes.
> >
> >
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