Buchan Milne wrote:

>On my 7.1 deluxe CD1:
>On CD2:
>As far as I know, the images for the GPL install and extended CDs are
>the same ones used for all the commercial versions ....

I agree, it should be show.  Anyway, I don't have my CDs
here.  I will check them, and make a list. 

BUT, the Linux Mandrake Essential that I bought, as I say,
does *not* include the "Extensions disk" (where I understood
is the libstdc++-devel-2.95.2-7mdk.i586.rpm), but something
called "Applications CD".


   *    J. C. Gonzalez                   
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 .      Avda.Complutense s/n         E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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