On 2000.12.21 Praedor Tempus wrote:
> I am running KDE 2.1, cups-1.1.4-7.1mdk
> I thought I had cups setup properly for my Epson Color Stylus 600.
> I can print out test pages and I just succeeded in printing (sort of) an 
> email from kmail - sort of because it all ran off the top of the page and
> didn't print all the message text - all it produces is the KDE graphic and 
> the From and To email addresses.  Message body text isn't produced.
> In spite of this very limited "success" printing, I find it completely 
> impossible to print from konqueror.  I tried repeatedly to printout a webpage 
> I was reading but nothing ever comes of it.  I checked the cups error_log 
> file and it contains:
> E [20/Dec/2000:21:20:20 -0700] PID 16396 crashed on signal 11!
> E [20/Dec/2000:21:20:20 -0700] PID 16397 stopped with status 1!  
> This is produced each time I try to print from konqueror.
> So, cups isn't working properly.  How does one fix this?  Every time I 
> attempt to print from konqueror, konqueror freezes up for about 30 or 40 
> seconds before cups gives up.

Don't be su sure it is cups fault (and after reading in the list all
that about kde and konqueror, I would vote for konkeror).

Check cups apart from any gui program. For example, you can get the
example PostScript files that come with ghostscript
(in my box they are at /usr/share/ghostscript/5.50/examples)
and print them directly with 'lp'. So you check just cups, the
way it can handle PS files.

If this works, your problem is kde not talking same lang than

J.A. Magallon                                         $> cd pub
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                             $> more beer

Linux werewolf 2.2.19-pre2 #3 SMP Mon Dec 18 12:13:19 CET 2000 i686

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