On Thu Dec 28, 2000 at 01:59:43AM -0700, Traci Collins wrote:

> I'm hoping someone can help me resolve a problem I am having with the
> Mandrake Update Link. There is a security update for the entire Zope
> system, if I avoid updating any of my zope code everything works just
> fine. Unfortunately the update zope release has a conflict with the
> installed zope release, even after I used rpm to remove all of the
> existing zope packages from the rpm database. It asks me if I want to
> force the update and I say yes, hoping that Mandrakesoft didn't
> really put up a series of update packages that wouldn't work with
> Mandrake 7.2. What happens is I get an error message that runs off my
> screen, even at 1248X1024, and there is nothing I can do that will
> show me the bottom of the error message. I think it is waiting for me
> to make a decision and tell it how to proceed. Because I can't see
> the question or get to the bottom to make a response the update hangs
> at that point. I can kill it and get on with life but the zope
> packages keep coming up whenever I run update and with a serious
> security problem I would like to do the update just in case I ever
> want to use it.
> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to proceed with the update
> given the extremely long error screen?

Hi Traci.  Can you, from a console, give me the results of:

rpm -qa|grep Zope

I think you must still have a Zope package installed somewhere because
there should be no conflicts (in fact, if you had everything from Zope
removed from the system, it shouldn't show up in MandrakeUpdate at
all).  You might be missing something somewhere...  please give me the
results of that output, then maybe I can see what the problem is.

Of course, the other problem might be that the mirror you're looking
at hasn't cleaned out the old Zope updated packages yet...  are there
two different versions for each package?  Ie a -1.1mdk and a -1.2mdk?
If so, select only the -1.2mdk packages.  The mirrors should have
removed the -1.1mdk packages (old and obsolete now), but some of them
haven't yet.

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