Vincent Danen wrote:
> Hi Traci.  Can you, from a console, give me the results of:
> rpm -qa|grep Zope
> I think you must still have a Zope package installed somewhere because
> there should be no conflicts (in fact, if you had everything from Zope
> removed from the system, it shouldn't show up in MandrakeUpdate at
> all).  You might be missing something somewhere...  please give me the
> results of that output, then maybe I can see what the problem is.

This is the problem. Thanks. Zope is now gone from the database and
also from the update. Now, on the off chance that I would like to
have the updated, secure, zope, how do you download and install
updates (in this case a replacement) for packages you don't have
installed? I could reinstall zope and get it back on the list but
that obviously isn't going to get me what I would like since I would
be back with a Mandrake Update program that wasn't working. Any

> Of course, the other problem might be that the mirror you're looking
> at hasn't cleaned out the old Zope updated packages yet...  are there
> two different versions for each package?  Ie a -1.1mdk and a -1.2mdk?
> If so, select only the -1.2mdk packages.  The mirrors should have
> removed the -1.1mdk packages (old and obsolete now), but some of them
> haven't yet.

There was only one version of each package, they had a 7.2
subdirectory so I don't think that the 1.1mdk packages would have
been in the particular place. Since you know about the mirrors, could
you answer a question? What is happening to the update mirrors? I
haven't been able to get a list of updates from any of the American
mirrors, I am always a little nervous about transatlantic updates
just because I find that ftp from those distances often fails at some
point during the process. Have the hosts decided not to host Mandrake
updates any longer?


Traci Collins, MA, CCAI, CCNA
Professor of Computer Education
Colorado Mountain College

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