Never been able to figure out the logic for that!  Invariably the first
thing one does when telnetting into a box to do some work as root is to
su - whats the difference?  The password still goes in clear etc - just
seems anoying.  Can see the sense in not installing telnetd in some
cases, but telnet is a standard unix service - one only has to look at
the number of queries to the list over the problems this causes, and the
fact that the first thing that person does is install the package, one
has to question whether this approach is worthwhile - in my opinion
would be better to install, but leave disabled, or perhaps make it an
install question that comes up with the package list "Do you want telnet
services - Warning ...".


> The feature you are referring to as twisty is not twisty at all. It is very
> important that you not be able to telnet in as root. The only way to make
> things absolutely tight on unix machines is to disallow telnet sessions for
> accounts that are system standard on *nix systems.

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