On Wednesday 03 January 2001 05:19 pm, you wrote:
> So sprach Tom Berkley am Wed, Jan 03, 2001 at 10:24:03AM -0800:
> > first determine if telnet is installed: rpm -q telnet
> >
> > probably it is not. then find the cd with the telnet rpm or download it
> > from a mirror site. then install:
> >
> > rpm -ivh telnet-0.17-7.i386.rpm
> >
> > now you can use telnet.
> If you want to telnet *OUT*, then you're right.  But he seems to want to be
> able to telnet *INTO* his computer.  Then just the telnet package isn't
> enough.  Actually you don't need it at all for what he wants to do.
> He needs the telnet-server package.
> Alexander Skwar

Guys...the problem is simple. and very common on Mandrake 7.2 installs...even 
the expert/developer installes. The "telnet-server" package isn't installed 
and untill it is you won't be able to telnet into the box that you're 
attempting to gain access to. You can certainly telnet out, but you can't 
telnet in. I discovered this two weeks ago when I installed Mdk 7.2 on my 
home machine and workstation at work. As soon as I added the telnet-server 
package all was well again.

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                                Linus Torvalds

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