On Friday 02 February 2001 10:27, you wrote:
> On Friday 02 February 2001 17:33, you wrote:
> > Kcontrol is STILL broken after running kbuildsycoca as root and as user.
> > KDE 2.1 hasn't had it right since its inception.
> >
> > It is not an option to do a total reinstall...
> No it is not. Just reinstall KDE.
> >and if that is how Mandrake
> > is supposed to work, it is going to LOSE people instead of gain them.
> RPM's you downloaded are unsuported by Mandrake. They are NOT official
> Mandrake release. Read the readme file on site where you downloaded it. If
> you have read it you would never had any problems with Kcontrol !!!!
> I downloaded them, isstalled them in specefic order and everything works
> perfectly.

So one would think.  I DID read the readme.  Nonetheless, my problem exists.
I did nothing to my applnks.  As a matter of fact, I deleted them along with 
everything else related to kde in my $HOME directory and re-logged on.  Thus, 
any breakage of applnks is entirely the work of kde, not me.

As for being unsupported, yes they are officially unsupported, but they are 
no different from the "supported" cooker versions EXCEPT that they are 
compiled with glibc2.1 rather than 2.2.  Not an important difference, 
especially since most other distros with the KDE2.1 available and supported 
used glibc2.1 too.  Glibc2.1 isn't broken so there is no reason distro-X 
wouldn't support it.  It is merely that Mandrake is now using glibc2.2, 
focused on that entirely, so it isn't going back to deal with pre-glibc2.2 
except for security issues.

> You know, actually your problem is very simple. You messed up with your
> appplication links. Check your applnk directory and see if you removed any
> menu group with menudrake. Fix it and your Kcontrol menu entries will
> appear again.

I would love to do this as it is more elegant that uninstalling, 
re-downloading, reinstalling.  Problem:  if an application link is missing, 
how do I know it is missing?  I would have to have a full list of all the 
applnks that SHOULD be there before I could determine if one is missing.

I was wrong, too, by the way.  It turns out, at least after running 
kbuildsycoca, that not even root has a functional kcontrol anymore.

Against stupidity, the god's themselves contend in vain.

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