I built it all last night on my celeron 333 laptop with 96MB ram.  It did 
take a while but it wasn't bad and it did all build without incident.  The 
damn libs are huge, however.  Space was already a premium and moving the libs 
to /usr/local/lib/pwlib consumed all my remaining hdd space (except for a 
paltry 60 k).  

If you happen to know...after building, how much of pwlib and gatekeeper can 
you delete?  With gatekeeper, I assume I could dump everything except the 
binary.  With pwlib, I assume everything except the lib/ and, maybe, the 

I only dismiss it, not for its POTENTIAL, but for its practice.  PC-to-PC is 
what it is geared for, sans special equipment.  Those I would call do not sit 
at their computers 24 hrs/day and they do not run their computers 24 hrs/day.
The phone is the best option and for that, thus far, one requires special 
addon equipment, regardless of what openh323 software one uses.

It would be nice to see a non-hardware based answer.  It would not be optimal 
but it would be cheaper and easier for many people.

On Monday 05 February 2001 16:59, Tricia C. Sesar wrote:
> This seems to be a hot topic tonight. Kinda ironic, as I was just starting
> to get the bug into my head about this. Here are some facts:
> The technology is available. Below is a snippet from the VoIP HOW-TO (which
> some of you have been quick to dismiss tonight, without really
> understanding what you are reading):
> "5.1 Hardware requirement
> To create a little VoIP system you need the following hardware:
>     1.PC 386 or more
>     2.Sound card, full duplex capable
>     3.a network card or connection to internet or other kind of interface
> to allow communication between 2 PCs
> All that has to be present twice to simulate a standard communication.
>        Phonepatch, able to solve problems behind a NAT firewall. It simply
> allows users (external or internal) calling from a web page (which is
> reachable from
> http://speakfreely.org
> Never used it. But it is only pc-to-pc, which some of you were opposed to.
> If, your top-end goal is to make calls, using the Internet to replace (at
> least, in part) your PSTN,  and the benefits of a hardware solution are
> worth the $$$ to you, then check these out:
> http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/VoIP-HOWTO.html
> http://www.linuxjack.com
> http://linuxtelephony.org
> http://www.openh323.org
> http://www.opentelecom.org/

Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.

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