Just to resound, the message below is perfectly accurate.  So, to provide
this type of service, like a linux version of dialpad, one would have to
hack the client software, and provide routing to the PSTN Gateway on the
server end.  There are several of these gateways that one would have to
contract.  For example, Yahoo! and dialpad.com both use the same gateway. 
You could, however, set up your own gateway.  But, this would require a
VOIP setup, and an extensive amount of bandwitdth and PSTN trunking, not
to mention FCC (or the country's equivelant) licensing.  You would
basically be a tandem switch.  This is usually cost-prohibitive for most
basement hackers.  As for the phonejack - yup, it's a sound card, but
dedicated to the service (i think it's a money maker - $5 for the
hardware, and sell it for $20-$40).


> Yes, that is correct. That is exactly what it does. Now, what is it that
> the Quicknet PhoneJack cards do that these services do not do but get
> the same job done? Hmmm...
> That is why we want to either hack (program) the current java codecs
> that dialpad uses or net2phone and make a linux plugin to handle them.
> As far as the hardware of Quicknet PhoneJack, I get the impression that
> it is nothing more than a specialized sound card. If java is java, then
> why did dialpad tell me in writing that they don't have support for it
> yet? What type of sense does that make?! Anybody feeling me on this one?
> I will post their letter to me to the list. 
> That is next.
> Cheers,
> -- Al
> -- 
>   .--. `           
>   |__| .-------.   Altoine Barker
>   |=.| |.-----.|   Maximum Time, Inc
>   |--| ||$SEND||   Chicago Based Enterprise
>   |  | |'-----'|   http://www.maximumtime.com   
>   |__|~')_____('

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