The one thing that I'm noticing throughout this particular discussion is
that everyone is blaming Mandrake and not looking at the fact that the
K6-2 and K6-3 are actually i586 chips.

How can Mandrake make their distribution recognize the K6 series as i686
chips when they will just cough and sputter dring bootup it you try to run
i686 optimized code on them.

This isn't Mandrake's problem.

I would like to see Mandrake continue to bundle the i586 RPMs into the
distribution to retain some backward compatability, just because I also
run Mandrake on an old P233 that I have.  But my primary machine is an AMD
Duron 600, which will make use of this new optimized code with no
problems.  So I woudliek to see the benefits of theenhanced speed as well
as the ability to keep running the latest distributions on my 233.


> "Jose M. Sanchez" wrote:
> > Eh, except 7.2 installs just fine on a P-90 and K5.
> >
> > It's only the 486 and 386's who are left out.
> >
> > The i586 vs i686 worries are somewhat ungrounded.
> >
> > The i586 code works best with the K6, etc.
> >
> Jose, what will happen when the next full release of Mandrake appears?
> Will it install without complaint on the millions of K6-2s out there?
> Will there be 2 standard new releases, LM 8.x_i686 and LM8.x_i586? Will
> continued support of the K6-2 just be dropped? -- OR -- Will the core of
> the i686 install be made the properly recognize the K6-2. --OR-- Is
> there really a bit offset discrepancy that prevents the K6-2 from truly
> being included in the i686 frenzy?
> The foregoing is "the point" and it is a "worry" to a lot of people that
> rests on "solid" ground.
> --
> David Rankin
> Nacogdoches, Texas

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