On Saturday 07 April 2001 11:24 am, you wrote:
> I'm trying to network 2 linux pcs here and have run into a spot of
> bother. One seems fine. The other will ping OK, but sees the
> network as unreachable. That little HOWTO mentioned here recently on
> networking is great - but I find one imperfection; It says  "You'll need
> everything for networking, and NFS except the stuff beginning with YP ...
> and NIS"  A list of what everything is would be useful here.
> Anyhow, my problem:
> eth0 throws up an error and can't be initialised on bootup
> [root@workhorse /etc]#ifconfig eth0
> returns an unreachable message, but the hardware will transmit & receive
> with that little test program on the driver disk under Dos. It is an NE2000
> compatible card. This is what insmod throws up.

It's going to be a guessing game cuz I don't know what you already have 
What I'll do is list what I *Think* you'll need. I was never successfull in 
getting LM 7.0 to network for some reason so I may not be much help.

Any way, here goes (from a 7.0 CD RPM List):
        You'll need kdenetwork for starters (KDE 1.1.2)
        netkit (description)
The netkit-base package contains the basic networking tools ping and inetd. 
The ping command sends a series of ICMP protocol ECHO_REQUEST packets to a 
specified network host and can tell you if that machine is alive and 
receiving network traffic. Inetd listens on certain Internet sockets for 
connection requests, decides what program should receive each request, and 
starts up that program. The netkit-base package should be installed on any 
machine that is on a network.
        nettools (description)
The net-tools package contains the basic tools needed for setting up 
networking: ethers, route and others
        nfs-utils (server)
The nfs-utils package provides the utilities for Linux NFS server. This 
package replace the old knfsd package.
        nfs-utils (client)
The nfs-utils package provides the utilities for Linux NFS client. This 
package replace the old knfsd-clients + part of knfsd package.
The portmapper program is a security tool which prevents theft of NIS (YP), 
NFS and other sensitive information via the portmapper. A portmapper manages 
RPC connections, which are used by protocols like NFS and NIS. The portmap 
package should be installed on any machine which acts as a server for 
protocols using RPC.
        ppp (for TCP connections including Internet) 
NOTE: If you are able to use the Internet now you most likely won't need this!
The ppp package contains the PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) daemon and 
documentation for PPP support. The PPP protocol provides a method for 
transmitting datagrams over serial point-to-point links. The ppp package 
should be installed if your machine need to support the PPP protocol.   

I'm sure I missed something and maybe one of the GURU's on the list will come 
to the rescue (for both of us <G>)
NOW, Looking at yer post I am thinking you may have an IRQ conflict.
I have had luck removing all reference to a module in conf.modules and 
re-doing the setup from linux conf again. Also looking at your IRQ and IO 
ports may help here. As I stated in my HOWTO, the most common cause of a 
network setup failing is the NIC is not working, this seems to be your most 
immidiate problem. Another thing ya might try is look at the first boot 
screen and see where the NIC is assigned, try to set the linux settings the 
same. If that fails, try using the utility that came with the card to 
re-configure the settings to an unused IRQ or IO.
As a last resort, try another card and see if it will set up correctly.
OH, one more thing, try pinging the TCP address you gave your machine,
EXAMPLE: ping -c5,
and see what the results are. Also, as root, issue the command ifconfig (no 
switches or arguments) and see if the card is recognised.
Hope this helped,
Ken Thompson
Electrocom Computer Services
Payette, Idaho 83661
(208) 642-11701
Web: http://www.nwaa.com

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