Any comments thanks in advance??
When i run ifup eth0 I get an error message unable to get ip info via dhcpcd.
I have went thru netconf a dozen times.If i am using dhcp then no need to 
enter the Ip address or any of the other things DNS etc. Correct?
FYI: Linux for Windows (7.2 Mandrake) on a Hp 600mhz ceoron 256mb ram, 
realtek networkcard trying to get online
via Cable modem Road Runner acess.
I have read everthing online(well almost) And Tried almost Everything. 
concerning Road Runner Cable service,Apparently I am not the only Linux 
user that has tried to get online thru Road Runner?
Does anyone know anything about if my eth0 card is Bind to the dhcp,could 
that be the prob?
 From what I have read I really think that Road runner would prefer that I 
stick with Windows. from further reading
Even though with DHCP the OS should not matter right?IN THEORY.
Could Road runner be preventing me from getting online thru there 
service?THey are able to Idenify Your OS
Is Linux considered the Hackers OS? to some people Although that is not my 
I enjoy trying to get Linux to run, And after all this Windows Quite boring.
I might as well sign up for AOL aarghhhhh LOLPS please dont flame me.

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