Hmmm, i got a reply to this post before i got the post itself.

When you subscribed to your Roadrunner ISP, did they give you a hostname? I'm betting 
they did.
Let's pretend that is something like cr934573-a. Then try this on for size:

[root@homer john]# dhcpcd -h cr934573-a
[root@homer john]#

See my last post for details on how to integrate this into your network scripts so 
that it's done

I hope that helps.

--- phil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any comments thanks in advance??
> When i run ifup eth0 I get an error message unable to get ip info via dhcpcd.
> I have went thru netconf a dozen times.If i am using dhcp then no need to 
> enter the Ip address or any of the other things DNS etc. Correct?
> FYI: Linux for Windows (7.2 Mandrake) on a Hp 600mhz ceoron 256mb ram, 
> realtek networkcard trying to get online
> via Cable modem Road Runner acess.
> I have read everthing online(well almost) And Tried almost Everything. 
> concerning Road Runner Cable service,Apparently I am not the only Linux 
> user that has tried to get online thru Road Runner?
> Does anyone know anything about if my eth0 card is Bind to the dhcp,could 
> that be the prob?
>  From what I have read I really think that Road runner would prefer that I 
> stick with Windows. from further reading 
> Even though with DHCP the OS should not matter right?IN THEORY.
> Could Road runner be preventing me from getting online thru there 
> service?THey are able to Idenify Your OS
> Is Linux considered the Hackers OS? to some people Although that is not my 
> intentions!
> I enjoy trying to get Linux to run, And after all this Windows Quite boring.
> I might as well sign up for AOL aarghhhhh LOLPS please dont flame me.

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