For all the reasons different operating systems exist, so exists reasons 
for using each.
It's a matter of rational choice. One needs look at ones requirements, 
then pick the proper OS.
Linux is great for some things, as is Mac, and even Windows. Each has 
it's place.

    Use what works for you.


Ron Johnson wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>The constantly changing APIs/libraries.
>Moving from mdk7.2 to 8.0 required a complete reinstall to make 
>sure no "ghosts from the past" remain to cause problems.  This 
>is because massive amounts of upgraded libraries were introduced, 
>and many directories were moved.  As we have seen so many threads 
>here on this list, upgrading a mdk7.2 system in these 8.0 days 
>requires compiling SRPMs, and many times, they won't work because 
>of the aforementioned upgraded libraries and moved directories.
>Just recently, I upgraded from KDE 2.1.1 to 2.2.  *Definitely*
>not something that non-geeks would ever contemplate or be able
>to do.  Noone could contemplate it on a dial-up line.
>Take for example my wife.  She's been using the same Win98 box
>with Office97 for 3 years.  The only upgrade has been to IE5.5.
>She *likes* it that way.  Could she be a happy, unchanging linux 
>desktop user for 3 years from 1998?  Don't think so.
>Could she be a happy linux desktop user for the 3 years starting
>now?  NO.  "Soon", qt3 will be released.  Then KDE3 will be re-
>leased.  Then will RPMs (or even SRPMs) created for KDE3 run on 
>her 2.2.  Of course not, since mdk can't create *RPMs of new
>programs for old releases, even the last one, since the new programs
>use so many new features.
>Only when you can install a new RPM on a 3yo kernel/desktop will
>linux be ready for the mass market desktop.
>- -- 
>| Ron Johnson, Jr.        Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |
>| Jefferson, LA  USA                                         |
>|                                                            |
>| ~500K sq mi are needed for the population of the world to  |
>! live, 4 persons per lot, in lots that are 60'x150'.        |
>! That is California, Texas and Missouri.                    !
>! Alternatively, France, Spain and The United Kingdom.       |
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