Daniel Woods wrote:
> I just checked, and this was done by the tech guys for the AIX client.
>     >> I added the nfs_use_reserved_ports=1 to /etc/rc.uc.posttcpip
>     >> so that he's be able to do his mounting...
> With this I was able to mount, however the problem is still that I can't
> copy the contents of the NFS mounted CD onto the local AIX client.
> Thanks... Dan.

Hell, I thought you were the "tech guy". Your problem does not sound as
though it is directly a consequence of NFS, not if you can mount the
exported drive or partition.

You might want to do a "man nfsstat" (I have found nfsstat -m
particularly useful in this regard). It sounds as though you have a
connectivity problem. You could change "rsize" and "wsize" options up or
down, and see what you get. This might be at a network level where a
"tcpdump" would tell you something useful about your NFS conection.

I am out of ideas on this unless you have some more relevant info....

Good Luck

J. Craig Woods

-Art is the illusion of spontaneity-

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