At 02:47 PM 1/7/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>Uh, Craig, SAMBA will also work Linux to Linux the same as NFS will.
>I discovered this while trying CorelLinux and now have it <sorta> set up in
>MDK 81....
>I don't know what if any advantage there would be in using SAMBA but I like
>to tinker <G>......

The question, at least in my mind, was not if SMB works but is it 
appropriate to the poster's need. I stand by my original proposition that 
it is *not* the way to go. You lose for more than you gain. This loss 
affects system security, file permissions, file attributes, ACL 
ability,  NIS functionality, and a host of other services far to numerous 
to list here. So even if only a file server is needed, why would you want 
to load a protocol that uses up needed bandwidth with broadcast messages 
that are not essential to file sharing on Linux. I do, however, see where 
you are coming from but as one that makes a living from developing 
solutions for the enterprise environment, I would never recommend running 
Samba unless you need to interface with a win32 system. This may sound a 
bit fastidious to you but this is, after all, an "expert" list.

Thanks for your indulgence,

J. Craig Woods
-Art is the illusion of spontaneity-

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