I have a Belkin OmniView, or OmniCube.  (I'd crawl under the desk to look
but it's dark down there, and well... I'm lazy! lol)

I've not had a problem with the scroll wheel for my mouse.  I have a
Kensington Expert Mouse Pro.  The only problems I've had, has been with a
Mandrake 8.1 box that I used to have on the KVM.

I currently have:

Mandrake 8.0
Windows2K Professional

The Solaris box has it's own keyboard and mouse, so maybe that's a bad
example, but it is hooked up to my monitor.

But the other three use the mouse wheel with out incident.

Personally I love the switch I bought.  I've suggested it a number of times,
and other friends have bought them for home use as well.

  T. Holmes  |  UNIXTECHS.org  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  UIN:  17021091
 | On Wed, 2002-01-30 at 17:23, Michael Holt wrote:
 | > Yeah, I sorta figured that would be the answer :(
 | > It's not that big a deal I guess - I can live without the wheel.  I really 
 | > thought the kvm was supposed to be transparent though.
 | I think it is transparent, if you buy one of the good switches
 | (raritain(sp)), but who wants to spend $800+ on a KVM for the home.  I
 | have two of the Belkin 4 port switches, and I have the same type of
 | problem with my Kensington trackball.
 | Such is life...
 | -- 
 | ...Rob
 | =====================================================================
 | Robert Goshko                  Axis Computer Consulting Services, Inc
 | President                              Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
 | http://www.axis-dev.com/      Supporting the Revolution In Your World
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