Hi everyone.  First, thanks for all the on list & off list replies.  Thanks
to your input I have managed to fix a few little things with my fetchmail
configuration (and for those who asked, yes I have been using fetchmailconf
to set that up.  I have made progress and fetchmail is now working.

However, since this isn't going to be easy, I have discovered that sendmail
must pass the mail from fetchmail to pygmy (the email reader).  Am I right
about that?  So now it seems that sendmail doesn't work.  Can anyone tell

According to Linux In A Nutshell sendmail is suppose to have a config file
called /etc/sendmail.cf -- well, I have no such thing.  I do have a
/usr/lib/sendmail-cf/ directory with a load of subdirectories and a README
file which was written for people  much smarter than I am.  At this point
I'm "assuming" (take cover) that I need to set up sendmail.  Can anyone
clue me on how to do this?

I love Linux, but this sure is a lot of work to read some emai.  Can
sendmail be set up as part of the install process?  Or is there a reason
that can not be done?  Thanks again for all the help.


  On The Fly Photography
Meditation -- Yoga -- Linux -- Muffins
  The Secrets of Life
  Version: 3.12
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PGP- t++@ 5+++ X++ R+ tv-- b++ DI++++ D+ G e+ h+ r- y++

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