I do networks too, and the only way I can think of is you have the system
setup to stomp on another IP address, like the gateway IP address being used
by your new 8.2 box...  sure as heck would bring the whole network down!!!
Course, I've NEVER done that myself... no never.... :)

I'd sure love to through a packet analyzer on the network when you throw that
box on the network. I'm betting money the box causing the trouble is using an
IP address of another, or some service/daemon is running that should NOT be
running. Maybe DNS server that shouldn't be or something. Take a deep breath,
think it over logically and it will come to you. If not, throw etherreal or
something on it and you will find it. I guarantee it. If you don't know how to
read em... one of use can maybe help you out.

Sorry, but 8.2 doesn't deserve the subject title it had, so I changed it. :)
Now no more bashing and you will get LOTS more help.

Dianne Marie Montesa wrote:

> hi larry,
> im responding to the list on this so that the others
> know you are not really the *troll* we thought you
> were ...
> --- Larry Blodgett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 17:44:46 -0600
> > From: Larry Blodgett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > Dianne,
> >
> > Thanks for your concern.
> >
> > I have an ECS motherboard with a standard RTL
> > ethernet pic card.  The
> > system has operated successfully on 8.1 and the the
> > three beta
> > releases of 8.2.  Believe it or not I do think
> > mandrake is one of the
> > best two distros.  I have actually contributed to
> > the PPC version and
> > I am a long time paid member of the club.
> >
> > I guess I was little upset when the fresh install
> > took my whole
> > network down.
> i still dont see how a fresh install could bring a
> whole network down. i dont really see any logical
> explanation for this. im a network engineer. not so
> good but i know the basics. are you saying your whole
> network freezed ? meaning, all the others on your
> network were affected after installing mandrake 8.2?
> how is this server connected to the network? hubs?
> switch?
> > I  would be amazed if a person was
> > not upset at taking
> > down a network.  It has never happened before.  I
> > have many machines
> > running 8.1 with good success and I consider
> > Mandrake to be excellent
> > quality.  That is the reason it shocked me.
> yeah, you still didnt give us details of how the
> network went down.
> >
> > Another guy answer me off list and said the problem
> > maybe the expert
> > install and that he had trouble with it.
> i never had problems with my network when i install
> new distros. i dont think just installing ANY distro
> could bring down the network ... unless your card is
> faulty and *spamming* the network with unwanted
> packets.
> > I have
> > always expert
> > installed due to the special needs of the gcc
> > compiler.
> >
> > The only thing that makes this a special install is
> > the expert mode.
> > Beyond the install was quick and easy.  The ethernet
> > card was
> > correctly recognized and everything seemed fine,
> > just as you would
> > expect and then the network crashed.  I am going to
> > try a recommended
> > install on a small network.
> so, you were able to to install the distro and your
> network connection(just for this machine) crashed? im
> really confused whats the situation there. anyways,
> well be glad to help you if you can give more info.

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