On Mon Apr 08, 2002 at 09:03:58PM -0700, faisal gillani wrote:

> Well it has been almost a week i havent been able to
> solve this problem .. well i have my website residing
> on a local fat32 partition .. but my apache webserver
> is unable to pick it up i have played around with the
> fstab & given all user read & write perrmossion to the
> website but still it says ....
> Forbidden
> You don't have permission to access / on this server.
> Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/1.3.23 Server at
> clickonline.net Port 80
> i even tried copying the website on my linux partition
> in a user directory & giving it read & write access &
> making it a apache user, group owner file ..
> but it seems it only works when i copy the whole site
> into /var/www/html .... which i dont want ..
> what might be causing this ?
> anyone ?

The below is a diff of my old commonhttpd.conf and my new
commonhttpd.conf... this should correct the error (if you're not
familiar with patch/diff, the lines prefixed by "-" are the old lines,
the "+" are the new lines)... in other words, I'm commenting this
stuff out.  This starts at line 33 in a stock
/etc/httpd/commonhttpd.conf file.  Try this and restart apache once
you've saved the file and see if it works.

--- commonhttpd.conf~   Wed Apr  3 14:24:09 2002
+++ commonhttpd.conf    Wed Apr  3 14:24:09 2002
@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@
 #Restricted set of options 
-<Directory />
-  Options -All -Multiviews
-  AllowOverride None
-  Order deny,allow
-  Deny from all
+#<Directory />
+#  Options -All -Multiviews
+#  AllowOverride None
+#  Order deny,allow
+#  Deny from all

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