On 8 Apr 2002 at 21:03, faisal gillani wrote:

> i even tried copying the website on my linux partition
> in a user directory & giving it read & write access &
> making it a apache user, group owner file ..
> but it seems it only works when i copy the whole site
> into /var/www/html .... which i dont want ..
> what might be causing this ?
> anyone ?

The default root directory for Apache is now /var/www/html, If you want to use 
a directory that is not under that tree , you need to either put a symbolic link 
in that directory that points to the one want use or change the DocumentRoot 
setting in /etc/httpd/conf/commonhttpd.conf.If you change the DocumentRoot 
setting it affects the entire directory tree that apache uses & may have 
unanticipated side effects so I'd recommend using a symbolic link.

Ray Warren

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