On Tue, 23 Apr 2002 01:53:59 -0300 Damian G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Time for an interpreter...  :^)

> > Damian G wrote:
> > > 
> > > but my point is, probably you can't track it down to a single
> > > person, virtually everyone who has you on their adress book can be
> > > sending them..
> > > 
> > > HTH
> > 

DrJ must've on a hair trigger for some reason... 

> > Why in hell would I worry about a virus written for a windoze machine

Damian was just providing his perspective of the e-mails we were
> > running outlook? I don't do windoze. You do, however, Damian, make the
> > 
> > point I was trying to get across. If you are getting one on these 

Craig was agreeing with Damian -- "You do...make the point..."

> > infected emails sent to you, and the mail service is advising you that
> > 
> > you are the originator of the email but you are clearly not the

Actually, it's the *originator* that decides the content of the
li[n]e. :>
> > originator. Then it is my contention that the infected machine must
> > have your address. It is a no-brainer! How in hell would the code in
> > the virus "know" to use your email address as the sender: YOU ARE IN

Yup... and the fsck'ers stuff both {To:,From:} with the "victim" addy.
> uhm... i read a post about someone trying to track down this stuff. 
> that was the reason for my post.

Thanks for the offline copy.

> for the record, guess again. i do not use outlook.  

Craig never said you did...  though I can understand how breaking the
sentence with "..., however,..." might have given you that impression... 
an honest mistake.

> and, -also for the record, if you want- i think you need to calm down a
> bit.

RFC1043 states:
"Be conservative in what you send; be liberal in what you accept from

Back to your corners...  :^)

> Damian


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