I've had great luck with PCTel modems in over 20 Linux and Windows installs.  I've 
never had problems with them in Linux, but I did have one Windows box that continually 
locked up with it.  Actually, the problem only surfaced after installing a 
soundblaster live card.  My solution was to replace the modem (I only paid $6 for it 
on pricewatch).  But like you said, once the drivers are installed, even removing the 
modem won't help.  The drivers need to be removed, too.  

I never really could determine what the problem was, but it was strange that the 
computer that would lock up with the PCTel modem in windows, dual booted to Linux and 
NEVER had a problem locking up in Linux!  I wish PCTel would officially release Linux 
drivers, then it could be a Linmodem that works under windows.


On Mon, 27 May 2002 15:19:07 -0400
et <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I wonder how many of you have PCtel modems?
> I have had ...no..never mind... I ain't gonna rant about how these damn 
> modems cause intermittant system hangs even when the modem shoiuld just be 
> sitting there.... and how much headaches I have had over the years with PCtel 
> modems (oh,, I am sure they are better than when I swore off them) nope.. not 
> gonna say squat.... good luck with these problems, and remeber, just 
> physically removeing this modem from the box will not cure a thing until you 
> remove the drivers (this goes for your random *.dll error in windows too) not 
> just the drivers that device mangler will remove, but all instance of HSP and 
> PCtel in the registery for windows.....
> Good luck
> et

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