> On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, Tibbetts, Ric wrote:
 > > Ok, this one is probably really obvious. But I'm in a really stupid state
 > > today, and can't see it
 > > 
 > > I just loaded a fresh install of 8.2 on a box. I also loaded KDE 3.
 > > Everything seems to be going good, except:
 > > 
 > > When I telnet to another box, and export the display back, it gets refused
 > > (yes, I ran xhost on the box first). I also cannot "X -query" to another
 > > host, because of the same problem.
 > > 
 > > Ok, so it's a built in security issue. Looks like X is turned off for remote
 > A few things that you might check:
 > Is there a firewall running on either of the machines? If so, either
 > allow the ports (IIRC, 6000) or if possible, disable the firewalling
 > temporarily.
 > Is name resolution working correctly between both machines? I.e., either
 > have the entries in the hosts files or setup DNS. On a similar note, try
 > disabling access control completely on the local machine with:
 >   xhost +
 > then try running the app again. If it works, lock everything out with:
 >   xhost -
 > then specifically allow the remote host.
 > Are you exporting to the correct display?
 > You might also try using an SSH session instead, since this may get
 > around any blocked ports.

Sorry for stepping in here, but I have been following this list on
this subject for a while. My problem is probably related. Using ssh I
can export the display as non-root to another machine, but not as

Not even when starting an application, e.g. MandrakeUpdate, and
entering the root password on the exported display, the application
does not start. In fact _nothing_ tells you where the access violation
is made.

Recently, I also had problems starting X from the login console, but
this one I have solved. My msec setting is 3 (normal). BTW: I'm
following the cooker updates.


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