Here's the situation:
I am running Mandrake 8.1, mostly kept up to date through the
MandrakeUpdate program. I was using kdm for my login manager, but Gnome
for my desktop. The default was KDE, but I always let it use my "last"
session, which was Gnome every time. I recently installed Ximian
desktop, and replaced kdm with gdm for my login manager. I have two
problems with gdm:
        1. It refuses to remember my last session after rebooting (this
is a laptop, so I reboot at least twice a day, when travelling from home
to the office and back). Therefore if I forget to select Gnome the first
time I login, I end up in KDE and must logout and then login again,
selecting Gnome in the process.
        2. It will not remember the default desktop if I change it to
Gnome. After a reboot, it is always reset to default to KDE, which
leaves me back at problem #1.

Is this a known issue? I have run gdmconf a number of times, and it
seems to accept my change to default the desktop to Gnome, but after
rebooting it is always back to KDE again.

Dave Sherman               Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, 
MCSE, MCSA, CCNA             for you are crunchy,
                             and good with ketchup.
"lynx -source | gpg --import"

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