On Tue, 2002-07-02 at 09:07, K Montgomery wrote:
> There was a thread on this very problem a while back.  Go to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] and search for the
> subject "cannot set gnome as default session".  In one of my posts, I
> described what I thought to be the problem, but I don't remember whether
> my suspicions were confirmed or denied.  I do believe it's a software
> flaw.
> I have 8.2, and I don't remember if the problem still exists (I've been
> using KDE for a while). But I'll tell you what I did to "hack" a
> solution: since fndSession calls "chksession", I changed two lines in
> chksession that deleted and recreated the "Default" link.  I changed
> "Default" to "default" and gdm took it.  (Just read my posts for clarity
> on that. Try at your own risk. :D)
> - Kathy 

I went to the archives and followed what you did, Kathy. GDM defaults to
Gnome now :-) Thanks!

Dave Sherman               Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, 
MCSE, MCSA, CCNA             for you are crunchy,
                             and good with ketchup.
"lynx -source http://sildara.dyndns.org/davepub.asc | gpg --import"

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