Michael Holt wrote:

>I'm not quite sure of the roots of this email, I jumped in late.  I have
>just read several posts in the thread and would like to add a couple of
>words.  Even though I love using Mandrake (it's on most of my computers
>including my server), if it weren't around, I would choose another
>version.  Yes, I like Mandrake's config tools, but I could live without
>them.  I think that I heard a couple of people alluding to Mandrake making
>their config tools proprietary.  Again, I heard other people talking about
>making only previous version of Mandrake free for download.  Both of these
>things IMHO would take Mandrake off of most people's computers for good.  
>Till Kampeter has done wonderful work with cups and printing - and I'm
>sure other people could name people(s) that did something great with some
>other aspect of Mandrake; but I don't use Suse because I can't download
>the latest version ISO.  Linux is more than just an operating system or
>software at this point - it's a movement, it's an entity.  It's not just
>one company that has put Linux together or created what it has become.  
>It's people on developers lists world-wide and even though I sincerely
>appreciate the work of the developers at Mandrake, they could not have
>made the distribution that Linux-Mandrake is today without the help of all
>those people world-wide.  People give suggestions and figure things out
>and beta test and basically take up there time for the same reason that
>people give time and money to churches and other organizations.  People
>like me are using Linux and telling everyone around about it because of
>the absolute irritation that's created by the arrogance of a guy named
>Bill Gates; a man who I believe has the audacity to try and patent the air
>we breathe!  I realize that people need to make money, but leave it in the
>"pay for support" arena.  There's already several poles out there that
>show the biggest complaint with Linux is the lack of corporate support
>even when you pay for it - the market is there!! 
>One last comment, I like to make money, who doesn't?  I do believe 
>however, that EVERYONE has a right to technology.  How many people believe 
>that it costs phone companies the $50+ per month they charge me for a cell 
>phone?  How many people think it's just "right on target" that I'm charged 
>$80 per month for 1.5M/384K dsl?  How many technologies are stalled simply 
>because we have to figure out a "business model" for charging for the 
>product?  That's bull-crap!  Everyone should be able to get dsl, it should 
>be included in regular phone service!
>I'm sorry for the length of the email, but I hope there's someone out 
>there who understands what I said and agrees.
>Thanks, Mike
>Michael Holt
>Banning, CA                        (o_
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]    (o_  (o_  //\    
>www.holt-tech.net        (/)_ (/)_ V_/_    www.mandrake.com     
>  "AOL for Dummies" is kind of redundant, don't you think?
>Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
>Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
Agree, Mike.

SuSE could have a much bigger market share and Caldera is now 
insignificant, SuSE for its closedness, and Caldera for its abysmal 
support, proprietary software, and per-seat licensing.  

I am one of the people bit by the cutbacks to keep Mandrake afloat and I 
STILL agree that their policy is on track.   The idiots (and I can and 
will use that word for the lamers whose heads are so wrapped up in 
business they can't see five minutes into the future, now that I am not 
a Mandrakesoft Employee) who retreat to the "tried and true" business 
principles practiced successfully only by monopolies the minute the 
going gets a little rough, simply do not understand this market NOR do 
they notice where Mandrakesoft's assets are.

The one thing Mandrake has going for it is a very very small group of 
engineers who have designed a marvelous product.  Those folk ccould be 
making rwice as much somewhere else without the 90-hour weeks they 
voluntarily work now.  Start charging for the software in the wise of 
closed-source or anything hinting of Bill Gates tactics and that asset 
will vanish so fast no one will know what happened.  The caliber of 
people there cannot be held by offers of more money, even if there was 
more money to offer them.

Get a clue!  Make it work as free software or watch it die.  Quit the 
sideline sniping which is unproductive and clueless.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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