On Tue, 2002-09-03 at 17:29, Tom Brinkman wrote:

> > > > Can all of the messages regarding 9.0, cooker, the release
> > > > candidate, or any of the betas please be posted to the cooker
> > > > mailing list?
> > >
> > >    No, wouldn't be a good idea anyhow IMO
> >
> > You say it's not a good idea, then you don't bother to explain why.
> > Good going.
>    My opinion is the explaination (and thanks for the compliment), based 
> on my wonderin why "messages regarding 9.0, cooker, the release
> candidate, or any of the betas" are any less appropriate than mesgs 
> 'bout other Mandrake versions that aren't "currently released
> products".  Are posts concerning Mdk 7.2 off limits too?

Because there is a proper forum for discussion of cooker issues.  Is
there a 7.2 mailing list?  No.  It is appropriate here, and in newbie
(although why a newbie would be using 7.2 is beyond me).  If I were to
follow your line of thinking, I would propose an
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list where anything, regarding
any product can be discussed.  Hell, let's open it up to other distros
while we're at it.

Have you ever bothered to wonder why there is both a cooker list and an
expert list?

> > > > This really is not an appropriate forum for those messages and,
> > > > chances are, the developers may not even see them.
> > >
> > >    Your opinion, don't bet on it
> >
> > Really.  And why not?  Have you gone around to ask which developers
> > read the expert list.
>     Don't have to. Posts to the newbie and expert mailing lists, even 
> the Mdk newsgroup are often cited, often even quoted in part or full on 
> the cooker list, by participants as well as some of the Mdk employees.
> So I believe you already lost the bet.

I don't see how I lost any "bet".  You use the word often here... 
please provide some examples.

> > > > The expert list is for Mandrake support on currently released
> > > > products, not "in-progress" products.
> > > >
> > > > Thanks.
> > >
> > >    Are you in charge, is this really the rule to follow ? If so, I
> > > suggest you start with the Mandrake newsgroup first ;>>
> >
> > No, I'm not in charge (and I really don't see why that would matter
> > anyways).  I also don't think the Mandrake newsgroup is
> > Mandrake-operated, so I don't really care about the newsgroup.  This
> > mailing list, however, has a specific mandate, and it is not to
> > discuss cooker/beta problems.  That is for it's own list (aka
> > cooker).
>      And where is this "mandate" written?  ...and do you really believe 
> even if it were to exist, it would be respected? ... much less 
> enforceable?  The first stated request everybody's sent in the 
> 'Welcome' mesg to a Mdk list is 'please don't post HTML'

Hmmm... it's pretty much common sense, don't you think?  And that is the
problem, isn't it?  Lack of respect by the community, that is pretty
apparent by some.  It is for that reason the "don't post HTML" is
sent... a lack of respect for other people assuming that they want or
need to read in HTML.  Of course, that's just a portion of it. 
Consistent whining and complaining when things aren't done your way is
another aspect.  Not using an appropriate forum for your particular
problem is another.

If I were to ask a question about ssh on the samba mailing list, would
it be considered a lack of respect those subscribed to the mailing
list?  I think so... they subscribed to a samba list to discuss samba,
not ssh.  On the other hand, some might not think it a lack of
respect... some less tolerant may think of it as just plain stupidity.

> > >    I believe your request is kind'a tardy, as in about 9 days,
> > > discussion about 8.x or earlier will be obsolete by your rule ;p
> >
> > You're right.  But it has to start somewhere.  And if it doesn't
> > start now, then we will forever have bug reports posted here that end
> > up going nowhere.
>      Ignore 'em if you want a good idea. I read 'em. I know I tend to 
> disregard the <"current version sucks, wasn't tested, released too 
> soon"> posts along with the usual <"I'm going back to..">, or <"7.2 was 
> the best"> posts. Any list.

See, that is *exactly* the problem.  If we all decide to ignore those
posts on here, they don't get acted on.  If it isn't valid, who cares? 
If it is valid, it should be submitted to a forum where it is useful
otherwise you are cheating not only yourself, but others who use the
same product and may discover this bug or problem post-release.  If
something is posted to cooker, there is a very good chance it will be
acted upon and dealt with.  Then we all reap the benefits.  If it is
posted onto a forum, such as this, where it is recommended that it be
"ignored" than the individual who, misguidedly perhaps, thinks they are
helping the community is merely wasting their own time.  I would much
prefer to have people begin to coin the phrase "send bug reports to
bugzilla or cooker list" than simply ignore what may very well be valid
bug reports.

> > Besides.  There will come a time when 9.1 is in beta, and if it is
> > generally understood that this is not the place for beta reports,
> > then 9.1 beta cycle will be better...  bugs will be responded to and
> > corrected with out creating additional work for already over-worked
> > developers.
>    9.1 will be in beta in about 10 days or so. And what's a 'beta' 
> anyhow ?  Whatever version of Linux you're runnin Vincent, any distro, 
> is beta, a work "in-progress". IMO, the older it is the more beta it 
> was.    YMMV, I've had enough to say

No, 9.1 will *not* be in beta.  Do you understand the development
process, and the whole idea behind cooker?  Obviously not.  cooker is
not a beta...  cooker could be considered alpha or pre-alpha, but I
certainly would not call it beta until the beta cycle begins, which will
not be for a few months.

Big difference, my friend.

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
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