On Wednesday 04 September 2002 02:21 pm, Vincent Danen wrote:

> > requests for help, but I still stand by my statement that cooker
> > list doesn't need every Tom, Dick and Harry posting what they
> > think are bugs to it.

> cooker.  cooker is not an 3r33t or exclusive list only to people
> that are developers, coders, or technically competent, no matter
> how much easier this would make our lives.

Oh, I was under the impression it was, hence the root of our 
disagreement.  If this statement is accurate, then any further 
discussion is moot.  Have you discussed with warly, pixel or others 
and find they agree?  If so, then please excuse my interference.

> > of the consequences if too many laypersons start posting to
> > cooker.
> What consequences are you afraid of?  

Well, as stated earlier, if too many useless, uninformative, false bug 
reports start showing up, then the list may become unavailable for 
the average joe or the developers will move to another list or just 
email directly.  Something like that.  It's an informative list for 
interested parties to lurk on as it is now, but I can imagine it 
becoming chaotic and testing the patience of developers.

> Side-effects not withstanding, posting bug reports (real or
> otherwise) to cooker is much preferred to posting to expert/newbie
> lists and not having the real bugs dealt with.

I hope you're right and it all works out okay.
> > I think we should be cautious of telling too many people to do 

> I don't.  <snipped>  We should
> not discriminate against people because we don't think they are as
> intelligent as you or I, <snipped>    But this is no basis to tell 
>the technically incompetent or misguided to post to an inappropriate 
> list and have some valid reports or missed and/or force developers 
> to spend their time reading a forum they shouldn't have to read in 
> order to do their job.

You make a compelling argument and I even agree to a point, especially 
with making things more difficult for developers.  No one wants that.  
In fact, that was the motivation for my argument as well.   You make 
valid points and are of course in a better position to know. I just 
hope the list doesn't become too congested with useless posts and end 
up wasting time and patience that you too are trying to avoid by 
directing them there.  Our goal is the same, but differ in the 
ideology for implementation.

Thank you,

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