On Wed, 02 Oct 2002 18:09:23 -0500, Vox wrote
>   wu-ftpd has a looong history of bad security, so the mdk people has
>   (wisely, IMNSHO) chosen to use proftpd. But wu-ftpd does seem to be
>   in cooker, so...they may just have gotten rid of it on the release
>   ISOs. 

I am glad they left it out, it sent me looking for alternatives and found a 
perfect replacement!  Pure-Ftp.  I compiled it to use a MySQL database for 
login information so our staff can now grant FTP access with a web interface 
I am writting in PHP.  They claim to have a great security record and it was 
designed from the ground up with the Linux kernel in mind.  Check it out:


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