On Wed, 2002-10-16 at 20:44, ET wrote:
> Elitism really bugs the hell out of me.
> anyone familiar with the "Mensa Conundrum"?
> if you are smart enough to be invited to join Mensa, aren't you also smart 
> enough to recognize that elitism in any form is basicly "wrong"? and isn't 
> Mensa an elitist organization?
My 2c

I once asked for a reference on make only to get that I should already
know it. Still looking for a good "intro primer" on how make works.

<soap box>

You know the thing that gets to me about elitism especially in the Open
Source "sharing" world of Linux? At one time everyone was a newbie and
we are all somewhere on the learning curve. That is, no one is really a
true expert since the technology is constantly changing.

In a competitive world it is doggy dog but the Open Source community is
fundamentally based on communal effort of sharing not only source code
but information and experiences. It still amazes me how people forget
this and gravitate to this "get away boy you bother me" elitist

Be proactive, which I have notice others have done.

1) show the command
2) point out man pages (no it is not obvious to a newbie)
3) even a link to, in this case, http://www.oreillynet.com/linux/cmd/


Notice option #3 will lead the curious to read about more commands and
in the process *learn* by seeking out the information themselves.

"Teach people how to fish."

</soap box>

Thank you for your time, gabriel.

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