what's with this?
i keep deleting /mnt/removable and creating /mnt/camera for my camera, i have 
a removable drive as well and i like to call things what they are,i keep 
editing fstab to reflect reality and everything keeps getting changed back!
/mnt/camera is deleted! removable put back into fstab instead, and my desktop 
icon for un/mounting my camera no longer works, is some sort of msec thing? 
cos i'm on a 'standard' security workstation and i think this is a bit much 
to be honest, i've removed all reference to supermount in fstab - it has 
never worked for me since 7.1, my fstab is as follows:
/dev/hda4 / ext3 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda10 /data ext3 user, 1 2
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hda8 /home ext3 defaults 1 2 /mandrake nfs 
ro,nosuid,soft,user,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 0 0
/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom iso9660 
ro,user,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,noauto,umask=0 0 0
/dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom2 iso9660 
ro,user,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,noauto,umask=0 0 0
/dev/hda2 /mnt/drivec ntfs user,iocharset=iso8859-15,ro,umask=0 0 0
/dev/sda2 /mnt/drived vfat user,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/drivedos vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,user,umask=0 0 
/dev/hda5 /mnt/drivee vfat user,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
/dev/hda6 /mnt/drivef vfat user,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto 
iocharset=iso8859-15,sync,codepage=850,user,noauto,umask=0 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda7 /stuff ext3 user, 1 2 /stuff/mp3s/mount/ nfs ro,nosuid,soft,user
/dev/sda1 /usr ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda9 /var ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/sda5 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/sda6 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/sdb1 /mnt/removable vfat 
user,iocharset=iso8859-15,kudzu,codepage=850,noauto,umask=0,exec 0 0

note the last line line says 'removable' even though i have altered it many 
time to 'camera', and what is the 'kudzu' option, i can't find that in the 
man page so i left it but i'd like to know:-)


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