On Thu, Oct 31, 2002 at 14:15 -0800, Todd Lyons wrote:
> Before you go through all that, do a few things:
> 1) ps -ax | grep rpm | grep -v grep
>    Do any rpm processes show up?  Do they have status D?  If so, you
>    might have a cron job hanging.

It was direct after a fresh install, say 10 seconds after
pre-installation reboot. I realized I had forgotten to install a
package I need for mail/news and configuring mail is always the first
thing I do after installation even before I startx for the first time.

> 2) rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__*
>    rpm --rebuilddb

Did that after rpm -ivh foo.bar.rpm gave me the error message.

I really deleted the 2 files __001 and __002 (I don't remember if that
was .db or else) and then thought I could rebuild the db.

Thanks for your help Todd but I had 2 brave Mandrakians by my side who
tried to help me, in vain.

> other gentleman start posting hardware specs.

I'll buy a second harddisk tomorrow and use it as backup device every
day. Maybe the harddisk has some quirks.

It happened straight after a fresh plain vanilla installation using
ext3 as filesystem for all partitions. So one would assume the mistake
happened during installation. But /var/log/messages did not show
anything special during bootup.

If you don't understand or are scared by any of the above
ask your parents or an adult to help you.

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