Hi Nicholas,

Run a 'rpm --checksig package'. If it says something about missing keys,
then you don't have the public key of whoever signed the package. You
should do a 'gpg --keyserver www.mandrakesecure.net --recv-keys keyid'
where keyid is the missing key id (just the stuff right after # please).
If gpg doesn't complain, run 'rpm --checksig pagkage' again. Should be
ok this time.

Note that depending on your level of paranoia, simply trusting the
keyserver might not be enough. Try to check by other means that the key 
is what it's supposed to be.

In theory (could someone from within MandrakeSoft confirm, refute or
provide a solution for this please?) one could create a gpg identity
with name and email addresses such that others would think was a
legitimate packager of MandrakeSoft, upload it to mandrakesecure.net
keyserver and then build trojaned (or whatever) packages, sign them with
the key and upload them to a public (compromised) server. Then the
victims would do a rpm --checksig on it, see that they miss the key and
then get it. RPM would be happy; the package was indeed signed with the

The thing is, you see, that a valid gpg signature provides little
security if you don't check that the key really belongs to the person /
organization it claims to.

Here's the keyserver www interface address:

On Tue, 2002-11-05 at 18:11, Nicolas VERITE wrote:
> When installing a (set of) pakages,
> sometimes rpmdrake (or grpmi I don't know anymore)
> tells me something like :
> "
> package signature is invalid
> no GPG signature in package
> "
> Is it safe to install it ?
> What do I risk ?
Mikko Lipasti
Polarcom Consulting Oy
:: +358 (0)40 5590 988

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