Okay, this is getting a bit confusing (could be my simple mind). You want a index.html to open when *only* your domain name is put into the url, right? For Mandrake, put this in your commonhttpd.conf file:

DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm index.shtml

(and any other file type that might suit your fancy)

As for as loading a mod called "mod_log.c", uncomment the line in httpd.conf that pertain to loading this module.

These two items are unrelated but this is what you can do with both issues....

J. Craig Woods
UNIX Network/System Administration
Character is built upon the debris of despair --Emerson

Carter Harris wrote:
In my httpd.conf, I have a directive AddModule mod_log.c; right now its
commented out.
When I uncomment it, a warning message is displayed saying it is already
loaded.  Could it be that it is not loaded and therefore the
DirectoryIndex directive is never getting executed since it is inside a
<IfModule mod_dir.c>?

Does the mod_dir.c run as its own process?

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of J. Craig Woods
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 7:32 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] Directive Help in Apache

H. Carter Harris wrote:

I've been fooling with this for several days and I'm not making much
headway. I could really use some expert help.

I'm working my way through the ORielly book on Apache and they don't
set things up like Mandrake. I don't want to mess up the Mandrake conf because I want to go back to it later. So I have a small website

setup for testing.

I can't get the DirectoryIndex directive to work.  When I go to the
website I can't get the index.html page to display unless I type it as

part of the URL. For example, I have to enter the URL
"http://www.domain.com/index.html"; in the browser and I should only have to type "http://www.domain.com";.

I have the LoadModule directive in for dir_module and the
DirectoryIndex was copied from the Mandrake installed httpd.conf. Other directives in the conf file work fine.

Mandrake does have its peculiarities when it comes to Apache Web Server.

What file types are you listing with your "DirectoryIndex"? And what file is this entry being made in, commonhttpd.conf or httpd.conf ?


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