On Monday 16 December 2002 02:03 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
> On Tuesday December 17 2002 01:36 am, Lorne wrote:
> > On Monday 16 December 2002 10:47 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:
> > >    Civileme, as I relate to his past reports, said it was due to
> > > CRC short cuts. To save a few $$'s, WD transfered this from
> > > firmware to software. He also reported that WD's response to him
> > > was that their drives were not supported under Linux, only Winsux
> > > and Solaris by NDA and licensing agreements.
> >
> > What a crock! I guess you get what you pay for eh? I thought
> > 180GB's for $179.00 was too good to be true. Well I guess I'll
> > through it on my XP box and take a real drive and put in my linux
> > box. Guess I've learned a lesson.
>     It'll only last moments ;)  The whole hardware deal (PC's) is
> gettin to be a joke. One the big iron guys have always joked about.
> Desktop hardware was an increasingly progressive target a few years
> ago. Was startin to look real good. Lately, despite M$'s problems,
> and the DoJ (even EU) perception that Billy's major crime was knee'n
> NutScrape in the ba__....  well... he's prevailin anyhow.  He's
> killed a lot of hardware, other than if you want to use it with his
> software.
>    In my perception it's been M$'s influence on hardware that's their
> _real_crime_.  More'n more of it is becomin software dependant....
> win-modems, win-harddrives, win-sound, win-printers, win-video, etc.,
> even lately, win-motherboards.  Linux users gravitating towards an
> acceptance of any hardware that needs proprietary closed source
> drivers to work, or work fully ... are sheep being led to slaughter.
> Even when it's called lin-hardware, or at least made somewhat usable
> (eg, lin-nvidia). They're just vendor captive users, and add to the
> ultimate problem.
>    BTW, I gave $120 for a 80g Maxtor recently.  Several years ago an
> admission of buyin a Maxtor on an oc'rs group would have brought
> deserved ridicule an laughs ... lately I can't find anything better.
> It's gettin harder. Billy has lost a few battles lately, taken a draw
> in others, but he's winning the war when he controls hardware. Mostly
> not his own efforts, but due to user acceptance, apathy, and
> ignorance.  Ignorance of the fact that if it needs proprietary closed
> software, when it shouldn't, to fully function,
>  ... it's fake-hardware.  Acceptance and apathy follow hand'n hand.

Well.. a guy used to be able to get SCSI hd's for about 10 to 20% more than 
IDE. Anymore THAT has gone bezerk! I REALLY would like to stick with SCSI, 
but just to get a 16gb drive is costing as much as the 180gb drives! What is 
going on with that? they are cheaper to build than IDE for crying out loud. 

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