Mark Weaver wrote:

Um...a quick, sweet scan of your system proved to be very revealing. I
know exactly why your messages and in fact all messages are being
refuse...port 25 and your other ports you're using for email in and out are all closed.
that would tend to explain a lot as to why you can't get messages in and out
of the place.

As far as I know there are only three things that can cause these ports
to close like this.

1) the firewall has closed these ports by dropping all packets going to
those ports.

2) the services aren't this case Postfix.

3) the line in the /etc/services file that contains the reference to the
port and service has been commented out closing off the port and the service
which runs there upon.

this third item is the most perplexing in that this file has to be
edited manually. I don't know of any program that writes to this file in the
normal course of doing its thing.

You know??? it just occurred to me that you might not even see this
post! &%(_(ET$#%*(*^Y#@

I'm getting these. I'm using my work address for this discussion.

I agree that port 25 is dead. The question is: Why & How?

The line in /etc/services is fine. It's uncommented.
smtp IS included in bastille-firewall.cfg
postfix "is" running.

I have no clue as to what closed that port! And I've rebooted a couple of times. So what ever is doing it, is persistant!

BTW: I "can" get messages out. Just not in.


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