On Thu, 2003-01-30 at 15:19, Tibbetts, Ric wrote:
> The truth is that America has behaved with enormous restraint since 
> September 11. Remember, remember! Remember the gut-wrenching tapes of 
> weeping men phoning their wives to say, "I love you," before they were
>   burned alive. Remember those people leaping o their deaths from the 
> top of burning skyscrapers. Remember the hundreds of firemen buried 
> alive. Remember the smiling face of that beautiful little girl who was 
> on one of the planes with her mum. Remember, remember -- and realize 
> that America has never retaliated for 9/11 in anything like the way it 
> could have.

Oh please, what a load of grandstanding tripe.

Remember, remember!

Remember the U.S. victory over democracy in Guatamala, and the 200,000
civilians that have died at the hands of one after another brutal regime
with close ties to Washington for more than four decades.

Remember the more than 200,000 people of East Timor who have been killed
at the hands of the Indonesian Government with the political, monetary
and military support of the United States of America.

Remember 70,000+ U.S. sanctioned civilian murders in El Salvador.

Remember Chile, Nicaragua, Panama.

Remember the children of Iraq, who face starvation, lack of medicine,
food and clean drinking, and who have died by the hundreds of thousands
for the sin of being Iraqi.  And will be killed again by a power-hungry
madman who wants to show both his enemies and his "allies" exactly who
is the boss.

I could go on, but those who can hear what I'm saying already know this
stuff, and those that can't won't be swayed anyhow.

> ONE year ago, the world witnessed a unique kind of broadcasting -- 
> the mass murder of thousands, live on television. As a lesson in the 
> pitiless cruelty of the human race, September 11 was up there with Pol
> Pot's Mountain of skulls in Cambodia, or the skeletal bodies stacked 
> like garbage in the Nazi concentration camps. An unspeakable act so 
> cruel, so calculated and so utterly merciless that surely the world 
> could agree on one thing --nobody  deserves this fate.

That's right .. we were WITNESSES this time.  The U.S. dishes out
atrocity after atrocity around the globe, without prime-time coverage.

September 11th really woke people up to the fact that there is a war
going on - the casualties have been terribly one sided so far, but no
one nation can hope to show such total disregard for the interests of
the impoverished in the world without having to pay the piper one day. 

And attacks have come, and will come again and again unless there is a
major reversal of U.S. foreign policy.  Again and again, the U.S. seeks
to serve it's economic interests abroad at great cost to the quality of
life in already impoverished nations.

Surely we can agree on one thing --NOBODY-- deserves this fate. 
Violence begets violence.  The path to peace does not lead us through

All you Republican-wannabe U.S. fascist-impostor "president" lovers can
eat me.  Go find one of those nukes that Dubya loves so much more than
educated children or healthy senior citizens and shove it right up your
ass.  The world will be a safer place for us all when the Bush regime
has finally fallen.

... wow .. this article really got my goat.  :)



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