Lorne wrote:
I was sure this was discussed here before, but I can't find it. I use 9.0 and mozilla. I am using cups printing. From Kmail I can print just fine. But from within Mozilla I can not. It has a funky lpr syntax and I don't know how to configure this so I can print to my remote smb printer. Any help appreciated. here is the default syntax: PostScript/default. Then in properties it is: lpr ${MOZ_PRINTER_NAME:+'-P'}${MOZ_PRINTER_NAME}

From within Kmail it is simply name: HP4 and print system currently in use:

What I know about the mozilla print command is that you can change it to what you want but it won't be saved for the next session, so you have to change it each sesssion. There is a bug about this at mozilla bugzilla. For instance, I can change this to kprinter --stdin and get the kprinter dialog to choose printers and parameters. I don't know about printing to a remote smb printer but maybe that is accessible in kprinter for you or maybe it is a matter of adding --stdin to the end of the print command that works for you on the command line.

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