Vahur Lokk wrote:
On Wednesday 26 February 2003 09:39, you wrote:

And don't forget the obvious

Office is like 95% loaded if you use windows... compare that to

loading ALL

of OpenOffice.

Yes here is the point. Especially when low spec boxes come into play.
Old Pentium running Win9x and MSO is absolutely viable office conf running
well and fast. And such boxes are very much in use around here.

Now try running Linux with OpenOffice on such a box. There is absolutely
no way to achieve comparable perfomance, whatever distro, kernel, window
manager you run.

In fact, comparing GUI loading times does not matter for me - its
usually once-a-day event. But if loading times of OOo and MSO differ in minutes
not seconds it is a showstopper. And no good explanation helps. Also
suggestions to use something else instead of OOo monster are completely useless.

And let's not loose track of the fact that speed isn't everything! How about stability, and reliabiltiy. How about security, and ease of maintenance.

Yup, a race car is faster than the family mini-van. But I wouldn't drive the family to church in one.


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