On Wed, 2003-02-26 at 23:39, Vahur Lokk wrote:
> On Wednesday 26 February 2003 17:32, you wrote:
> > What "looks" to be running faster is just a false impression. M$
> > pre-loads many of the libs, and the core of some programs at boot/login
> > time. So when you double click on IE (for example), yes, it hits the
> > screen much faster than Mozilla on Linux. But it's already half loaded.
> > This is at the expense of the ram needed to run applications.
> >
> > But then M$ works under the philosophy that Ram & disks are cheap. Just
> > add more.
> Yep I've heard that before. But then explain why Linux generally tend to be 
> more memory-hungry? Its my impression that Windows perfomance relies more on 
> processor speed, while Linux on memory.
> Wahur


   In some ways you are right.  IF you include more than just RAM. 
Actually Linux isn't as memory hungry... it's just keeps loading as much
as it can (just in case you need it fast) until Ram limit is reached or
it runs out of things to load.  It plays nice though... it'll unload and
reload without a second thought.... but if you want shear speed. 2.6 is
going to be blistering.  From what I saw today.  It's unreal.


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