On Friday 28 February 2003 12:48 pm, Ron Stodden wrote:
> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
> <html>
> <head>
>   <title></title>
> </head>
> <body>
> et wrote:<br>
> <blockquote type="cite"
>  cite="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
>   <pre wrap="">On Friday 28 February 2003 02:17 am, Ron Stodden wrote:
>   </pre>
>   <blockquote type="cite">
>     <pre wrap="">civileme wrote:
>     </pre>
>     <blockquote type="cite">
>       <pre wrap="">Errrr, pardon my intrusion but I think you might want to
> check your mailer settings.  I am sure you didn't want to send html to the
> list
>       </pre>
>     </blockquote>
>     <pre wrap="">You are sure?   How?
> Errrr, use of html is deliberate because it supports useful features in
> this list context not provided by plain text.
>     </pre>
>   </blockquote>
>   <pre wrap=""><!---->you say " it supports useful features in this list
> contex". not _this_ list. maybe if an individual want to see an attchment
> of a screen shot, you might want to send the attachment to that one e-mail
> address, but that DOES NOT require html to this list. does it? </pre>
> </blockquote>
> Methinks you need to educate yourself about html before sounding off
> so.<br> <br>
> Text <b>style</b>,<font color="#330099"> </font><font
> color="#330099">colour,</font> <font face="Courier New, Courier,
> monospace">fonts</font> are the kind of basic communication-enhancing
> features I referred to.
> <pre class="moz-signature" cols="$mailwrapcol">--
> Ron. [Melbourne, Australia]
>   20030119 Get Fastest Mandrake downloader, English-only,
>   from: <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
> href="http://members.optusnet.com.au/ronst/";>http://members.optusnet.com.au
>/ronst/</a> "Empty warhead found in White House"
> </pre>
> </body>
> </html>

Except none of us can see them.  Ron, it is plain and simply really annoying 
and only seems to be useful for you.  The list rules plainly ask for posts to 
be made in plain text only, yet you continue to selfishly insist that your 
way is better.  Well no one else posts in html, so maybe you could give in a 
little and turn it off only when you post to this list.

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