Ya know people, There used to be a time with Linux, that what you get was really bare bones. It was the kernel, some gnu utilities, and a basic installer.
Then "we the Linux community" would scurry about, and find the bits that we liked, and wanted, and we spent some time, getting to know them, and massaging them onto our systems.

And when we were all done (here's the scary bit), people used to take what they had packaged up, and put it on a web site for all to use.
What a fantastic model that was. That truely WAS the very heart & soul of Linux in the early days.

But alas, today, we are besieged with spoiled, whiney (l)users who want it all done for them. Sod this "learn how" nonsense. You just want it all packaged up, nince & tidy for you. What a spoiled bunch of windows (l)users you are.

Show some hair. Go get the friggin packages, build 'em, and then SHARE 'em! What a fantastic idea that IS!
How about you quit wanting to MandrakeSoft to give you everything, and give something back? That's the way it used to work. It still should.

Mandrakesoft can't possibly be expected to support a continuing production schedule, AND go find evey piece of software, and make it work with every release they've ever put out.

I fall back on my original statement:
        Do it yourself, and share.
        That's what it's all about.


OR: Go get KDE x.xx and install it yourself!

Yes, lets to the same work a thousand times over! In stead of Mandrake
doing it just once and sharing it with their community. Very smart...

Or you do it and share it with the community so that they do not have to do it a thousand times over. Become a Club volunteer and package KDE3.1 for club members, I bet you would get a VIP membership out of it.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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